Наталя Булик » The Life and Work of Bohdan Janusz (1887–1930) in the Context of the Intellectual Environment of the Galicia Region (англ.)
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The Life and Work of Bohdan Janusz (1887–1930) in the Context of the Intellectual Environment of the Galicia Region (англ.)

Написано: 2017 року
Розділ: Історична
Твір додано: 25.06.2020
Твір змінено: 25.06.2020
Завантажити: pdf див. (6.4 МБ)
Опис: The purpose of this contribution is to represent as complete an image as possible of Bohdan Janusz within the context of the development of archaeology in Lvov in the first three decades of the 20th century. What will be emphasized are his ties with the historical environment, his personal contribution to the development of various fields of historical science, and his most important works are. All his life, Janusz was in the closest contact with the Ukrainian and Polish scientific communities of Lvov. He started his scientific research under the tutelage of Mychajlo Hrushevsky in the Shevchenko Scientific Society, which provided an excellent basis for a career, but very soon he broke off relations with Ukrainian scientists and bound up his life with Polish historians and archaeologists. Janusz attended the lectures of Karol Hadaczek, communicated with Aleksander Czołowski and Jan Czekanowski, and was supported by Włodzimierz Demetrykiewicz. Roman Jakimowicz and Włodzimierz Antoniewicz were among his friends. Later on he again established relations with Ukrainian scientists, among whom Hrushevsky’s most talented student – Ivan Krypiakevych – and the well-known historian, art critic and journalist Mykola Holubets, deserve special attention. At the same time, Janusz continued to study and publish everything related to the history and culture of Lvov and its suburbs. Janusz was the author of over a hundred scientific and popular publications, including monographs, catalogues, articles in scientific magazines and a large number of popular essays in newspapers.
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