Мирослав Волощук » Medieval Slovakia and Croatia as the second homeland of nobility and peoples from the Rus’ in the thirteenth and fourtenth centuries (англ.)
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Medieval Slovakia and Croatia as the second homeland of nobility and peoples from the Rus’ in the thirteenth and fourtenth centuries (англ.)

Написано: 2013 року
Розділ: Історична
Твір додано: 24.11.2013
Твір змінено: 24.11.2013
Завантажити: pdf див. (650.1 КБ)
Опис: Active processes of migration (on the individual and the group level) were characteristic of Russian-Hungarian relations during the entire Middle Ages. Some communities from Rus’ left for the Hungarian Kingdom, including the Balkans and north-eastern counties (in modern Slovakia). There were many such people. Most of them were free settlers, they were often representatives of the nobility and were close to the king and the royal family. For example, the sources mention the following people: Posillo Rusinich (near Zadar), Ladislas Ruthenus (comitatus Nitriensis), Maladik Rutenus (comitatus Thurociensis), Myculay filius Rutheni (comitatus Scepusiensis), Orosz (Ruthenus) Jakab (comitatu Sarusiensis), magister Petrus dictus Orrus (comitatu Posoniensis) and others. Among these immigrants there were also princes: the sons of Galician prince Vladimir Yaroslavovich (in the late 1180s), Rostislav Mikhailovich – the prince of Galicia (after 1243) and others.

Keywords: Middle Ages, migrations, population from Rus’, nobility, regions of Slovakia and Croatia
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