Збірник статей » Mapping Difference: The Many Faces of Women in Contemporary Ukraine (англ.)
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Mapping Difference: The Many Faces of Women in Contemporary Ukraine (англ.)

Написано: 2011 року
Розділ: Наукова
Твір додано: 30.12.2015
Твір змінено: 30.12.2015
Завантажити: pdf див. (1.9 МБ)
Опис: Mapping difference : the many faces of women in contemporary Ukraine. Edited by Marian J. Rubchak. - New York - Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2011. - xiii, 223 pp.

Drawn from various disciplines and a broad spectrum of research interests, these essays reflect on the challenging issues confronting women in Ukraine today. The contributors are an interdisciplinary, transnational group of scholars from gender studies, feminist theory, history, anthropology, sociology, women's studies, and literature. Among the issues they address are: the impact of migration, education, early socialization of gender roles, the role of the media in perpetuating and shaping negative stereotypes, the gendered nature of language, women and the media, literature by women, and local appropriation of gender and feminist theory. Each author offers a fresh and unique perspective on the current process of survival strategies and postcommunist identity reconstruction among Ukrainian women in their current climate of patriarchalism.
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