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Galicia: A Multicultured Land (англ.)

Написано: 2005 року
Джерело: jstor.org
Розділ: Історична
Твір додано: 21.10.2015
Твір змінено: 13.11.2015
Завантажити: Файли вилучено з бібліотеки на запит власника авторських прав.
Опис: Galicia: A Multicultured Land. Edited by Christopher Hann and Paul Robert Magocsi. - Toronto-Buffalo-London: University of Toronto Press, 2005. - 259 pp.

Habsburg Galicia, an area in central Europe covering territory presently ruled by Poland and Ukraine, was distinctive for its multi-ethnic character. With the unravelling of the Austro Hungarian Empire following the First World War, a new political map of Europe emerged, one based on the principle of the nation state. The very concept of the nation-state, however, was problematic in culturally pluralistic regions like Galicia.

The essays in this volume examine Galicia beyond the traditional paradigm of national history, in an effort to understand better the region as a place where different ethnic communities – Poles, Ukrainians, Jews, Austro-Germans – lived in peaceful co-existence. With the recent expansion of the European Union, increased migration, and the demise of the nation-state, a look back to see how cultural diversity was managed in a pre-nationalist age is of more than antiquarian interest. The contributors to this multidisciplinary volume pursue a wide range of approaches that shed fresh light on this unique region.
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