Збірник статей » Brothers Armed: Military Aspects of the Crisis in Ukraine (англ.)
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Brothers Armed: Military Aspects of the Crisis in Ukraine (англ.)

Написано: 2015 року
Розділ: Наукова
Твір додано: 05.12.2016
Твір змінено: 05.12.2016
Завантажити: epub (1.7 МБ)
Опис: Brothers Armed: Military Aspects of the Crisis in Ukraine. Second edition, updated and expanded. Edited by Colby Howard, Ruslan Pukhov. Translated from the Russian by Ivan Khokhotva. - Minneapolis: Eastview Press, 2015. - 334 pp.

Brothers Armed: Military Aspects of the Crisis in Ukraine offers an in-depth look at the state of the military in both Russia and Ukraine, as well as the history, political circumstances and events leading to the annexation of Crimea and outbreak of conflict in eastern Ukraine.

Brothers Armed provides military context for and unprecedented detail about the strategic confrontation between Russia and Ukraine, bringing greater balance and detail, more candor and increased objectivity to a subject fraught with confusion, misunderstanding, and historical animosities.

In this updated and expanded second edition, Brothers Armed builds on the critical analysis presented in the first, examining the military reform efforts of both Russia and Ukraine, the antecedents to Russian intervention in Crimea, the military and political mechanics of the intervention itself, and the nature of and grounds for the subsequent Russian annexation. New essays examine what has transpired in the region since the annexation of Crimea and assess the causes and possible consequences of the ongoing crisis in Ukraine.
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