Сергій Єкельчик » Ukraine: Birth of a Modern Nation (англ.)
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Ukraine: Birth of a Modern Nation (англ.)

Написано: 2007 року
Розділ: Історична
Твір додано: 06.11.2015
Твір змінено: 01.02.2023
Завантажити: Файли вилучено з бібліотеки на запит власника авторських прав.
Опис: Sehy Yekelchyk. Ukraine: Birth of a Modern Nation. - Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. - 280 pp.

Serhy Yekelchyk has written a modern history of modern Ukraine, one that questions nationalist mythologies and patriotic claims to an uncontested past and shows how making a nation requires the hard work of scholars and poets, soldiers and statesmen, and even Soviet bureaucrats. This is simply the best history of this new nation that we have!"-Ronald Grigor Suny, author of The Soviet Experiment "Professor Yekelchyk has written a history of modern Ukraine that is learned, engaging, provocative, balanced, and courageous. Both newcomers and seasoned experts will learn much from it. Ukraine sets a very high standard for the field."-Mark von Hagen, Columbia University "Readable and accessible, Yekelchyk's Ukraine introduces the struggle of the emerging democratic state of Ukraine over two centuries, beginning with the nineteenth-century national movement and culminating with the critical Orange Revolution of 2004-5. The result is an ideal introduction to an increasingly important part of Europe, and of the world."-Hiroaki Kuromiya, Indiana University
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