Олександр Принь » Листування у науковому співтоваристві: три листи Олександра Якубського до Петра Курінного
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Листування у науковому співтоваристві: три листи Олександра Якубського до Петра Курінного

Написано: 2015 року
Джерело: nbuv.gov.ua
Розділ: Історична
Твір додано: 12.04.2018
Твір змінено: 12.04.2018
Завантажити: pdf див. (305.3 КБ)
Опис: Epistolary heritage of scientists is an important source for the history of science, everyday life,
personal relationships etc. Its analysis and comparison of already known facts open new unknown
pages of history. In studying the history of museology and monument protection in Ukrainian SSR
during the 1920s – 1930s the epistolary heritage allows scientists and researchers to trace events and
establish unknown facts. Scientific archive of Archaeological Institute of NAS of Ukraine keeps a
large amount of archaeologists’ epistolary heritage. In particular, the personal Petro Kurinny’s storage
three letters from Olexandr Yakubsky to Petro Kurinny are kept. Chronologically, they were sent in
the period from 12 September 1924 to 4 September 1930. In the article the letters were examined and
archeography described. In combination with other archival sources unknown facts from the history of
the formation of the Stalin regional history museum the late 1920s – early 1930s were clarified.
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