Олег Підгайний » Symon Petlura. A bibliography (англ.)
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Symon Petlura. A bibliography (англ.)

Написано: 1977 року
Розділ: Історична
Додав: SolomonAkdud
Твір додано: 16.10.2024
Твір змінено: 16.10.2024
Завантажити: В бібліотеці відсутні оцифровані файли цього твору. Якщо маєте їх — додайте!
Опис: The Symon Petlura Institute, established in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA., is a scholarly institution devoted to the advance of knowledge in the field of the history of Ukraine and of Eastern Europe in general.

The Institute is interested in the study, and in the publication of results of study, of the history of the revolutionary movements in Ukraine and in Eastern Europe, for freedom and national independence, from 1848 to date.

The study, and publication of the results of study, of the history of the strivings of the Ukrainian nation for statehood, successful in the form of the Ukrainian National Republic, in 1917-1921, and the subsequent history of the struggles in Ukraine and abroad lies in the center of interest of the Institute.

A serious concern of the Institute is also the study of Ukraine's place in world diplomacy, and publication of relevant research works as well as of documentary sources, on the policies of the United States, Germany, France, Russia (and the Soviet Union), Great Britain and of other powers, towards Ukraine.
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