автор невідомий » Ukraine genocide by famine 1932-1933 (англ.)
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Ukraine genocide by famine 1932-1933 (англ.)

Джерело: uinp.gov.ua
Розділ: Історична
Твір додано: 15.10.2024
Твір змінено: 15.10.2024
Завантажити: epub (2.5 МБ) pdf див. (8.1 МБ)
Опис: The word Holodomor means the deliberate mass murder by famine from which there is no salvation. Ukrainians use this name when referring to the National Catastrophe of 1932 – 33. We begin with the fact that the Holodomor was one of the most important events not only in Ukraine’s history, but also in 20th century world history. Without understanding this, it is difficult to grasp the nature of totalitarianism and the crimes committed by both the Soviet and Nazi totalitarian regimes. The prehistory of the Holodomor and its effects, as this exhibit shows, cover nearly a century. One starts with exam¬ining what Ukraine was like at the beginning of the 20th century some 30 years prior to this tragedy and ends with the discussion of the rebirth of memory of the Holodomor in present day Ukraine.
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