Марія Маєрчик » Kobieta – ptak – dusza w archaicznym obrazie świata (пол.)
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Kobieta – ptak – dusza w archaicznym obrazie świata (пол.)

Написано: 2004 року
Джерело: dlibra.umcs.lublin.pl
Розділ: Історична
Твір додано: 27.12.2018
Твір змінено: 27.12.2018
Завантажити: pdf див. (10.6 МБ)
Опис: Maria Majerczyk, Kobieta – ptak – dusza w archaicznym obrazie świata, Etnolingwistyka t. 16, s. 287-303, Lublin 2004.

The idea that the soul assumes the figure of a bird does not fit into Ivanov and Toporov’s world model, based on the allegedly universal system of binary oppositions. According to the model, the bird is a vital demiurgic symbol. The present article analyzes examples of folk ideas and practices contrary to that model and confirming the existence of more complex relationships between the bird and death/the soul/the woman. It investigates the origin and the semantics of motifs, attempts to typologically juxtapose the individual elements, strives to reveal the primary invariant. The following phenomena are mentioned: the sign semantics of ornithomorphic breads called ˇzavoronki, a children’s game called Kruk ‘raven’ (also Wrona ‘crow’ or Kogut ‘cock’), the ritual known as pogrzeb kukułki ‘the cuckoo’s funeral’, ballads with the motif of the daugher-bird etc. The formal connection between the bird and the woman was present in paleolithic art. The semantics of paleolithic images was also preserved in Ukraine (cf. the tradition of burning a cock, cooking a hen for dinner for the newlyweds, hiding an egg in the bride’s bosom, or ornithological names for ladies’ hats).

A conclusion is drawn that the bird can constitute a component of different systems of mythological images, which is why it may contain contradictory features. The author puts forward a hypothesis concerning the mechanism which shapes the relationship between the woman, the bird and the soul. The mechanism leads to, on the one hand, a syncretic image of the woman-bird (the bird being a demiurgic symbol and the woman a chtonic one), and on the other hand to the idea of the woman as standing in opposition to the man.
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