Іван Крип'якевич » Деякі літописні назви з Галичини
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Деякі літописні назви з Галичини
Написано: |
1991 року |
Розділ: |
Історична |
Твір додано: |
14.06.2012 |
Твір змінено: |
14.06.2012 |
Завантажити: |
(192.1 КБ)
Опис: |
Записки Наукового товариства імені Шевченка. - Том ССХХІI. Праці Історико-філософської секції. - Львів, 1990. - С. 313-15
Ivan KRYPYAKEVYCH. SOME CHRONICLED NAMES FROM HALYCHYNA. The study of the historical geography of ancient Ukraine's towns and villages presents an actual problem. Its special value increases when certain investigations of the little known populated areas, as mentioned in the written monuments, are carried out. The author makes an attempt to identify the objects of the thirteenth century geographical names within the present territory. The names discussed are Borok, “Branevychave rli”, Moklekiv, Pidhorai and Sichnytsya that became known from the Halych-Volynian Chronicle. Some of these names are still extant. |
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