Дмитро Гордієнко » Микола Аркас-молодший та його переспів «Слова о полку Ігоревім»
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Микола Аркас-молодший та його переспів «Слова о полку Ігоревім»

Написано: 2021 року
Розділ: Історична
Додав: Bismark
Твір додано: 22.08.2022
Твір змінено: 22.08.2022
Завантажити: pdf див. (294.3 КБ)
Опис: The article lights the page of the creative biography of the Ukrainian emigrant historian Mykola Arkas-Junior (1898–1980). There are briefly disclosed living conditions in which the historian had to create. The article directly reveals the work of the scholar-poet on the re-singing of the outstanding Ukrainian medieval monument “The Tale of Ihor’s Campaign”. On the basis of M. Arkas’s correspondence, his work on the poem and problems with the publication are shown. The place of Arkas’s translation in Ukrainian “The Tale”-Studies and medieval studies in general is briefly described. Once again, the task of the need for a deeper and broader study of the history of Ukrainian medieval studies, the need to return to the Ukrainian scientific discourse the names and works of scholars from the Ukrainian emigration and diaspora.
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