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Five lectures about football (англ.)

Написано: 2025 року
Джерело: https://www.linkedin.com/
Розділ: Навчальна
Додав: Turgeneff
Твір додано: 04.02.2025
Твір змінено: 04.02.2025
Завантажити: pdf див. (693.5 КБ)
Опис: I dare to introduce you to such results of 2024 in the capacity of five lectures, more precisely, a lecture plan, which I was able to read as a visiting lecturer and elective course for the student of the second-course chair of the football in National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport (https://uni-sport.edu.ua/) during the last spring and autumn. These lectures were devoted to the national teams of national football associations. They were prepared based on the book about this theme, which you can find here https://tinyurl.com/yckebm45 and the articles published here https://tinyurl.com/mr2m5enn and in the telegram-channel Know-Nothing in the football (https://tinyurl.com/2s4b723s).

But I wish to caution the readers. The lecture plan aims to gather a wealth of information about a story that spans approximately 90 minutes. Consequently, there are many words, often presented as citations, references, or brief reflections. For this reason, I sincerely apologise for the style and any potential difficulty in understanding the information. It is merely a plan, so to speak, a possible outline of the lecture, and I am not a skilled rhetorician, although I may have been a bit in a past life. It represents an effort to share personal experiences and thoughts on a theme that intrigues the author. Meanwhile, as is commonly acknowledged, the author can be mistaken.

At the same time, I believe we should all remember the words of Frédéric Joliot-Curie, the French physicist and Nobel Prize laureate in Chemistry: “…we must do our research very earnestly, with total honesty, not trying to proclaim an answer which we have not yet got but, when we have found a complete image of what we are searching for, the first thing we must do is to say: “This is true on the level on which I was up to today, now let me ask questions about it”.
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