Христина Астапцева » Book Sales and Readership Statistics: Ukrainian Trends 2021 (англ.)
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Book Sales and Readership Statistics: Ukrainian Trends 2021 (англ.)

Написано: 2021 року
Джерело: ej-social.org
Розділ: Наукова
Додав: kristella
Твір додано: 18.08.2021
Твір змінено: 19.08.2021
Завантажити: pdf див. (749.4 КБ)
Опис: The research study explores the phenomenon of consumer book buying behavior in COVID-19. The study focuses on Ukrainian reader's taste. We applied a questionnaire and obtained 100 responses. How much do people spend on books per month? What types of books are they buying? What genres are they selecting? Consumer insights play main role in a publisher’s strategies, from acquisitions to pricing and marketing campaigns. The results here indicate book buying habits of Ukrainian readers who participated in the survey in Kyiv “Bukva” bookshop in February 2021.
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