Віктор Остапчук » Outpost of empire: an appraisal of ottoman building registers as sources for the archeology and construction history of the Black Sea fortress of Özİ (англ.)
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Outpost of empire: an appraisal of ottoman building registers as sources for the archeology and construction history of the Black Sea fortress of Özİ (англ.)

Написано: 2005 року
Розділ: Історична
Додав: balik2
Твір додано: 10.01.2016
Твір змінено: 10.01.2016
Завантажити: pdf див. (7.4 МБ)
Опис: Authors: Caroline Finkel and Victor Ostapchuk
Source: Muqarnas Online, Volume 22, Issue 1, pages 150 – 188 Publication Year : 2005
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